11 Digital Products to Sell Online in 2024 ...

11 Digital Products to Sell Online in 2024

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Do you want to know what digital products to sell online that your tribe will love?

The digital marketplace is an ever-expanding universe, brimming with opportunities. Among these, selling digital products stands out as a particularly lucrative way of making money online.

As the world leans more towards virtual solutions, the potential for digital goods becomes even more pronounced.

Whether youโ€™re a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding online seller, understanding which digital products to focus on can significantly influence your success. Selling the right digital products not only ensures a steady stream of income but also positions you as a key player in the digital economy.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Insights into 11 high-demand digital products.
  • Critical benefits and unique selling points for each category.
  • Effective strategies for marketing and monetizing these products.

As we delve into the world of digital products, youโ€™ll discover a range of items from e-books to innovative ChatGPT prompts, each offering its own path to profitability.

So letโ€™s dig in!

What is a Digital Product?

A digital product, at its core, is anything thatโ€™s stored, delivered, and used in an electronic format. Think of it as a product you canโ€™t hold in your hand, but you can definitely use and value โ€“ like an eBook, a downloadable song, or even a virtual sticker for your favourite messaging app.

Now, letโ€™s dive a bit deeper. Digital products have a few key characteristics that set them apart. First off, theyโ€™re infinitely replicable โ€“ make one, and you can sell it a million times without ever running out of stock. Imagine that with physical products!

Then, theyโ€™re instantly deliverable. Click a button, and whoosh, itโ€™s right there in front of you, no waiting required. And letโ€™s not forget, they often need less overhead compared to their physical cousins. No warehouses, no shipping โ€“ just a bit of digital space.

But, how have digital products evolved? Cast your mind back to the early 2000s. Digital products were mostly limited to music files, PDF documents, and some basic software. Fast forward to today, and itโ€™s a whole new world.

Weโ€™ve got everything from sophisticated software and apps, to online courses that can rival traditional education, and even digital art that blurs the lines between the virtual and the real.

Think about it โ€“ ten years ago, who wouldโ€™ve thought that you could attend a virtual cooking class, or decorate your digital workspace with custom-made Notion templates? Or that artists could sell their artwork digitally without ever touching a physical canvas? Itโ€™s almost like weโ€™re living in a sci-fi novel, isnโ€™t it?

This evolution isnโ€™t just a techy thing โ€“ itโ€™s a game-changer for creatives, entrepreneurs, and learners worldwide. Itโ€™s opened up a universe of possibilities where your location, background, or resources arenโ€™t barriers to what you can create or consume.

In a nutshell, digital products are much more than files on a screen โ€“ theyโ€™re a symbol of our ever-changing, innovative world. Theyโ€™re about breaking down barriers and opening up new avenues for creativity and business. Who knows what the next chapter in the story of digital products will look like? One thingโ€™s for sure โ€“ itโ€™s going to be an exciting ride.

Why Sell Digital Products Online

If youโ€™re selling services, then adding a suite of digital products is a no-brainer. You get to create a digital product once and then sell them again and again. They could eventually replace your service-based income and they will make you less reliant on your private service income.

Other essential benefits are:

1: No Overhead

With a digital product, you have no long-term overheads. You might have overheads initially while youโ€™re developing your product but from that point on you will then be able to sell as many copies as you like with no need to pay for materials or anything else. Every sale will be 100% profit which canโ€™t really be said about any other business model.ย 

2: Passive Income

A digital product is truly passive. Once you have set up an online store and you have people visiting your site, you can make money while you sleep or while youโ€™re on holiday somewhere sunny.ย 

3: No Stock

With a digital product, you only need digital space to store your files. You require zero physical space for stock and that means you donโ€™t need to rent a warehouse or fill your front room with books.ย 

4: Little Investment

Just as there are no long-term overheads, there is also very little investment necessary. This means it will take barely any time for you to break even and start generating real profit. In turn, this also means that thereโ€™s no risk so youโ€™ll be able to start your business without taking out a huge loan and putting your finances in any danger.ย 

5: No Delivery

As though all that wasnโ€™t enough, digital products donโ€™t even require delivery. That means you wonโ€™t have stock going missing or customers claiming they never received their goods. Digital products are cheaper and faster in every way.ย 

Best Profitable Digital Products to Sell

So, what are the most profitable digital products that sell online now, no matter what niche youโ€™re in? This question is like opening a treasure chest โ€“ you know thereโ€™s gold inside, but youโ€™re not quite sure what shape itโ€™ll take. In the vast and varied online world, certain digital products stand out as universally appealing. Theyโ€™re like the Swiss Army knives of the digital realm, fitting into various niches with ease and versatility.

Whether youโ€™re a fitness guru, a culinary wizard, or a tech whiz, these products have a unique way of adapting to your audienceโ€™s needs. Theyโ€™re the kind of items that, regardless of your field, find a way to resonate, connect, and, most importantly, sell. Think of them as the digital equivalent of a best-selling novel โ€“ widely loved, eagerly consumed, and always in demand.

Itโ€™s not just about the product itself, but how it fits into the lives of your audience, filling a gap they might not even know existed. These are the digital products that, when mentioned, make people nod in understanding and recognition. Ready to find out what these universally profitable digital products are? Letโ€™s explore and uncover the hidden gems in the digital marketplace!

1. Online Courses and Workshops

The rise of digital education has transformed how we learn and teach. Online courses and workshops have become pivotal in this new era, offering accessible and flexible learning options. For creators, they open up a world where expertise in almost any subject can be monetized.

Benefits and Challenges:

  • Broad Market Appeal: With education moving online, thereโ€™s a growing audience for courses ranging from academic subjects to lifestyle and hobbies.
  • Flexibility in Delivery: Online courses can be live, pre-recorded, or a mix, allowing for diverse teaching styles and student needs.
  • Passive Income Potential: Once created, courses can be sold repeatedly, offering a source of passive income.

Strategies for Creating Compelling Courses:

  • Engaging Content: Successful online courses are not just informative but also engaging. Use multimedia, interactive elements, and practical assignments to enhance the learning experience.
  • Platform Choice: Select a platform that aligns with your target audience and content type. Options include Udemy, Teachable, or your own website.
  • Marketing and Community Building: Build a community around your subject area through social media, blogs, or webinars. Engage with your audience to understand their learning goals and tailor your course accordingly.

Online courses and workshops not only position you as an expert in your field but also provide an impactful way to share your knowledge and skills, all while generating income.

2. E-books and Digital Guides

In the digital realm, e-books and digital guides represent a cornerstone of online commerce. They are versatile, easy to distribute, and cater to a wide range of interests and industries. From self-help manuals to comprehensive technical guides, the spectrum is vast and full of potential.

Key Benefits and Considerations:

  • Low Overhead Costs: Unlike physical books, e-books and digital guides eliminate the need for printing, storage, and shipping, significantly reducing overhead costs.
  • Global Reach: Digital formats transcend geographical boundaries, allowing you to reach a global audience with ease.
  • Ease of Updating: E-books can be easily updated and revised, ensuring your content remains current and valuable.

Creating and Marketing Ebooks:

  • Identify Your Niche: Success with e-books starts with understanding your target audience and their needs. Pinpoint a niche where you have expertise or a unique perspective.
  • Quality Content: Ensure your ebook provides substantial value. Engaging writing, professional formatting, and useful information are key.
  • Effective Promotion: use social media, email marketing, and online platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing to reach potential readers. Consider leveraging SEO techniques to enhance discoverability.

By tapping into specific interests and needs, e-books and digital guides offer a unique opportunity to establish yourself as an authority in your chosen niche while generating a sustainable income stream.

3. Printable Products

Printable products offer a unique niche in the digital market, combining the convenience of digital access with the tangibility of physical items. These products range from planners and calendars to art prints, organisational tools, and educational materials, catering to a wide variety of personal and professional needs.

Advantages and Market Dynamics:

  • Broad Appeal: Printable products have a wide-reaching appeal, useful for organisation, decoration, education, and more.
  • Ease of Access: Customers appreciate the instant accessibility and the ability to print multiple copies as needed.

Creating and Selling Printable Products:

  • Design Quality: Ensure your printables are not only visually appealing but also functional. High-quality design and clear formatting are key.
  • Understanding Customer Needs: Tailor your products to specific niches or general needs. Popular categories include planners for productivity, educational worksheets, or decorative art prints.
  • Platforms for Selling: Etsy and Shopify are popular platforms for selling printable products. Your own website can also serve as a direct sales channel.

Marketing Strategies:

  • Showcase Versatility: Use social media, particularly Instagram and Pinterest, to demonstrate the various uses and benefits of your printables.
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Positive feedback and user experiences can significantly boost your productโ€™s credibility and appeal.

Printable products offer a unique opportunity to create something that combines digital ease with a physical product, making them a versatile and appealing option for digital entrepreneurs.

4. Templates (Design, Business, etc.)

Templates are a staple in the digital product market, offering ready-made solutions for various personal and professional needs. From graphic design templates to business document templates, this category caters to efficiency and ease for users across different domains.

Market Appeal and Potential:

  • Wide Range of Uses: Templates serve diverse needs, including presentations, resumes, business plans, social media graphics, and more.
  • Time-Saving Solutions: They offer a quick and efficient way for individuals and businesses to produce high-quality output.

Creating and Selling Templates:

  • Focus on Quality and Usability: Ensure your templates are not only aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly and adaptable.
  • Identify Popular Needs: Research trending needs and gaps in the market. For instance, social media templates for businesses are currently in high demand.
  • Marketing Strategies: Use platforms like Etsy, Creative Market, or your own website for selling. Leverage social media and content marketing to demonstrate the value and applications of your templates.

Considerations for Success:

  • Regular Updates: Keep your templates updated with current trends and customer feedback.
  • Diverse Range: Offer a range of templates to cater to different tastes and requirements, increasing your appeal to a broader audience.

Templates represent a practical and creative digital product choice, appealing to both the creatorโ€™s design skills and the end-userโ€™s need for efficient, professional solutions.

5. ChatGPT Prompts

In the realm of AI and machine learning, ChatGPT prompts have emerged as a unique and innovative digital product. These prompts are designed to help less experienced users of ChatGPT, start using the AI tool to get better responses.

Emerging Market and Opportunities:

  • Growing Interest in AI: With the increasing popularity of AI tools, thereโ€™s a growing market for custom prompts that enhance user experience.
  • Versatility: ChatGPT prompts can be tailored for various uses, from creative writing to business and marketing, educational and more.

Creating and Marketing ChatGPT Prompts:

  • Innovative Design: Develop prompts that are unique, and serve a specific purpose or solve a particular problem.
  • Understanding AI Capabilities: Have a solid grasp of what AI can and cannot do to create effective and realistic prompts.
  • Targeted Marketing: Identify your audience and market through channels frequented by tech enthusiasts and AI users, like tech forums, social media platforms, and relevant online communities.

Tips for Creators:

  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of developments in AI and natural language processing to continually refine and improve your prompts.
  • Community Feedback: Engage with the AI community for insights and feedback to enhance the relevance and appeal of your prompts.

ChatGPT prompts stand at the intersection of technology and creativity, offering a unique product for those interested in the expanding capabilities of artificial intelligence.

6. Membership Sites

Membership sites represent a unique digital product model, offering exclusive content or services in exchange for recurring membership fees. These sites can range from educational platforms and community forums to premium content libraries and online clubs.

Advantages of Membership Models:

  • Recurring Revenue: Membership sites provide a steady income stream, enhancing financial stability for creators.
  • Community Building: They offer an opportunity to build and nurture a dedicated community around your niche or expertise.

Creating and Running a Successful Membership Site:

  • Valuable Content: Offer high-quality, exclusive content that provides real value to your members, encouraging retention and word-of-mouth promotion.
  • Engagement Strategies: Regularly engage with your members through forums, webinars, or live Q&A sessions to foster a sense of community and loyalty.

Marketing and Growth:

  • Targeted Promotion: Focus your marketing efforts on platforms where your potential members are likely to be, using tailored messaging that highlights the benefits of joining your community.
  • Feedback and Adaptation: Continuously seek member feedback to evolve and improve your offerings, ensuring long-term success and growth.

Membership sites offer a sustainable and engaging way to monetize your expertise or content, creating a loyal community and a reliable revenue stream.

7. Stock Photography and Graphics

In a visually driven digital world, stock photography and graphics hold a special place. They are essential for businesses, bloggers, and designers who need high-quality imagery but lack the resources to produce it themselves.

Demand and Market Insight:

  • Universal Need: Visual content is crucial for websites, marketing materials, and social media, creating a consistent demand for stock photos and graphics.
  • Diverse Niches: From generic landscapes to niche-specific imagery, the range of required visuals is vast, opening opportunities in various sectors.

Creating and Selling Stock Photography:

  • Quality and Originality: Stand out in a crowded market by offering high-quality, unique images that cater to specific needs.
  • Understand Licensing: Familiarise yourself with different licensing options (e.g., royalty-free, rights-managed) to effectively sell your work.
  • Selecting the Right Platforms: Choose platforms that align with your style and target market. Popular options include Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and independent marketplaces.

Graphic Design Products:

  • Tailored to Needs: Create graphics like icons, templates, and illustrations that cater to a wide range of professional and personal projects.
  • Marketing Strategies: Leverage social media and design communities like Dribbble or Behance to showcase your work and attract potential buyers.

By tapping into the continuous need for visual content, stock photography and graphics offer a lucrative and creative avenue for digital product sales.

8. Customizable Plans (Meal Plans, Workout Plans)

Customizable plans, particularly in the health and wellness sector like meal plans and workout plans, have gained significant traction in the digital product market. These personalised plans cater to individual preferences and goals, offering tailored solutions for a healthier lifestyle.

Market Potential and User Demand:

  • Personalization is Key: In an era where personalization is highly valued, these plans meet the specific dietary and fitness needs of individuals.
  • Growing Health Consciousness: With increasing awareness about health and fitness, thereโ€™s a rising demand for customised guidance.

Creating and Selling Customizable Plans:

  • Expertise and Credibility: Your plans should be based on sound knowledge and expertise in nutrition or fitness. Collaborating with certified professionals can add credibility.
  • User-Friendly Formats: Make sure your plans are easy to understand and follow. Incorporating interactive elements or customization options enhances user experience.
  • Effective Marketing Strategies: Leverage social media platforms, especially those focused on health and wellness, to reach your target audience. Testimonials and before-and-after stories can be powerful marketing tools.

Considerations for Success:

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest trends and research in health and fitness to ensure your plans are up-to-date and effective.
  • Feedback and Adaptation: Regularly seek user feedback to improve and adapt your plans to better meet customer needs.

Customizable meal and workout plans not only serve a vital market need but also offer the potential for significant impact on individualsโ€™ health and wellbeing, making them a rewarding digital product to develop and sell.

9. Digital Planners and Stickers

The digital planning world has seen a surge in popularity, with digital planners and stickers becoming essential tools for organisation and personal expression in the virtual realm. This niche marries functionality with creativity, offering diverse opportunities for digital creators.

Advantages and Market Dynamics:

  • Growing Demand: With an increase in digital device usage, more people are seeking digital solutions for planning and organisation.
  • Customization and Variety: Digital planners and stickers can be tailored to various themes, styles, and purposes, appealing to a wide audience.

Creating and Marketing Digital Planners:

  • Design Considerations: Effective digital planners combine aesthetic appeal with user-friendly design. Include features like hyperlinks for easy navigation.
  • Diverse Sticker Options: Create stickers for various occasions and uses, ranging from productivity to decorative themes.
  • Platforms for Selling: Market your digital planners and stickers on platforms like Etsy or through your own website. Social media, particularly Instagram and Pinterest, are excellent for showcasing your designs and reaching potential customers.

Tips for Success:

  • Engage with Your Audience: Understand your audienceโ€™s preferences and feedback to continuously improve and expand your product range.
  • Keep Up with Trends: Stay updated with design trends and digital planning needs to keep your products fresh and relevant.

The digital planner and sticker market is not just financially rewarding but also allows for immense creative expression, making it a fulfilling venture for digital artists and designers.

10. Music, Audio Products, and Podcasts

The digital music and audio market is a dynamic and ever-evolving space, offering immense opportunities for creators. This category encompasses a wide range of products, from music tracks and sound effects to audiobooks and meditation audio guides.

Scope and Market Trends:

  • Diverse Audiences: Music and audio products cater to a wide array of interests, from entertainment to education and wellness.
  • Digital Distribution: The rise of streaming platforms and digital media has revolutionised how audio content is distributed and consumed.

Creating and Marketing Digital Audio:

  • High-Quality Content: Whether itโ€™s music production, podcast creation, or audiobook recording, ensure high-quality audio and content.
  • Diverse Monetization Options: Explore various revenue streams, including streaming platform royalties, sponsorships, advertisements, and listener support.
  • Building an Audience: Use social media, collaborations, and direct engagement to grow and maintain your listener base.

Effective Platforms for Distribution:

  • Streaming Services: Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and SoundCloud are essential for music and podcasts.
  • Audiobook Marketplaces: For audiobooks, consider Audible or Google Play Books as popular distribution channels.

Marketing Strategies:

  • Build an Online Presence: Use social media and personal websites to showcase your work and connect with fans.
  • Collaborations and Partnerships: Collaborate with other artists or brands to reach new audiences and add credibility to your work.

Music and audio products not only have the potential to reach a global audience but also offer the satisfaction of creating art that resonates with peopleโ€™s emotions and experiences.

11. Spreadsheets and Data Tools

In the digital product landscape, spreadsheets and data tools stand out for their practicality and wide-ranging applications. These products cater to businesses, students, professionals, and anyone in need of organising, analysing, or managing data efficiently.

Market Scope and Functionality:

  • Versatile Use Cases: From budget trackers to project management tools, spreadsheets can serve countless purposes across various fields.
  • Demand for Efficiency: In an increasingly data-driven world, thereโ€™s a growing need for tools that simplify and streamline data handling.

Creating and Selling Spreadsheets and Data Tools:

  • Focus on User Needs: Successful spreadsheets are those that address specific problems or needs, such as financial planning, inventory management, or workout tracking.
  • Ease of Use: Design your tools to be user-friendly, with clear instructions and a clean layout. Incorporate automation or formulas to enhance functionality.
  • Customization Options: Offering customization services can add value and appeal to your product, catering to clients with specific requirements.

Marketing and Sales Platforms:

  • Leverage Online Marketplaces: Platforms like Etsy or Gumroad can be effective for selling spreadsheets. Your own website also offers a direct sales channel.
  • Content Marketing: Blog posts, tutorials, and case studies showcasing the use and benefits of your tools can be powerful marketing tools.

Spreadsheets and data tools provide a unique blend of functionality and problem-solving potential, making them highly valuable in the world of digital products.

How To Pick a Digital Product to Sell Your Tribe Will Love

You can discover what your tribe is desperate for in a number of ways. The most obvious is from the feedback you get from blog posts and the popularity of your lead magnet.

If you know your niche well, chances are you should have a pretty good idea of what your ideal clients, really need and how much they are willing to pay for it. In other words, you will only create products that you are certain will sell.

If youโ€™re not sure, take the time to survey the people on your email list/s or poll them on Facebook to ask which options they would find most useful. Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, Reddit forums and Quora are a goldmine for discovering what your tribe is struggling with.

Let them pick from a range of choices. The answers may surprise you. They will stop you from wasting a lot of time and effort and perhaps money creating products and services that donโ€™t sell.

You should always be asking the question, What is my tribe struggling with and how can I help them solve that problem? That is where your product ideas are.

Selling and Marketing Your Digital Product

When launching that very first product, have a soft launch and then a hard launch. The soft launch should be to those in your inner circle. So think about your mailing list and online groups you belong to.

They can get a first look at it for a substantial discount. Ask upfront for testimonials and give them an easy way to contact you to deliver them, send in reviews, and ask questions.

The product you first create doesnโ€™t have to be perfect, just create the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The feedback you get from the soft launch will help you create an even better product by improving, from the feedback received.

Once you are sure your product is as good as it can be at the correct price point for your niche audience, then you can widen your audience through your hard launch. Offer a free webinar, guest blog, have your JV partners interview you and promote the product, and more.

Whatever choices you make, get started with creating your first MVP now.


Digital products are one of the easiest side-hustles to get started and can make you anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per month (or more if youโ€™re really good).ย 

Throughout this exploration of these 11 lucrative digital products to sell online, weโ€™ve uncovered a world brimming with opportunities. From the creative realms of e-books, digital planners, and podcasts to the practical solutions offered by customizable plans and spreadsheets, each product category presents its unique benefits and potential for success.

To recap the key takeaways:

  • Diverse Options: Weโ€™ve seen that the digital market offers a variety of products, each catering to different interests and needs, from educational content like online courses to creative outputs like digital planners and membership sites.
  • Accessibility and Flexibility: These digital products allow creators to reach a global audience with ease, offering flexibility in terms of creation, distribution, and monetization.
  • Innovative Approaches: Selling digital products requires innovative thinking, whether in marketing strategies, content creation, or understanding the latest trends like ChatGPT prompts.

As you get started on your journey to sell digital products, remember that the key to success lies in understanding your market, creating high-quality content, and continuously engaging with your audience.

Looking ahead, if youโ€™re interested in delving deeper into the world of digital entrepreneurship, consider exploring our upcoming guide: โ€œCrafting Your First Digital Product: A Beginnerโ€™s Guide.โ€ย 

This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions, tips, and strategies to turn your digital product ideas into profitable businesses.

If youโ€™re reading this and are still not sure what exactly qualifies as a digital product, then I encourage you to spend a few minutes going over everything above.

Selling Digital Products FAQ

1: Can I sell digital products on Facebook?

Although you can sell physical products on your business Facebook page you canโ€™t see digital products as this goes against their rules. You can lose your page if you are found to be violating this rule.

Itโ€™s important you read the terms of service on Facebook as they may let you list a product but it does not mean it is allowed. It sometimes takes them a long time to realize that the products youโ€™ve listed are in fact digital.

2: Can I sell digital products on Instagram?

The same rules as Facebook apply to Instagram as they are both owned by Meta. However, you can use Instagram to market your digital products very successfully.

3: Can I sell digital products on TikTok?

TikTok is a great place to market your products, but you canโ€™t at this moment use their shop feature to sell digital products as it also goes against their rule.

4: Is selling digital products profitable?

Selling digital products is very profitable as the margins on each product are high which is what you want. You can often break even selling 1-2 products with the rest of your sales being pure profits.

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